Thursday, November 28, 2019
Impact of regional Azerbaijan
Introduction Before the trading conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia occurred due to seceding of the Nagorno-Karabakh region to Armenia in 1988, the two countries were business partners transiting services and goods under the soviet rule. The breaking away of the region, which was a predominant Armenian ethnic expanse, was a major catalyst for conflicts that changed lives of many people within the two countries.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of regional Azerbaijan-Armenia war on neighbouring countries and foreign policies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The support for separation by Armenia caused economic strain since this compromised foreign trade especially on Armenianââ¬â¢s imports from the neighbouring Azerbaijan. This paper forms an analysis of the situational crisis between Azerbaijan and neighbouring countries especially Armenia. It also forms a critical investigation of association betwee n Armenia with its neighbours in relation to Azerbaijan-Armenia conflicts. History of the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict The separated Nagorno-Karabakh forces also disrupted the 1993 peace talks between the two countries. Turkey considered these as Armenian forces that caused evacuation of various ethnic groups within Azerbaijan region and declared an economic embargo in protest of the attacks. A negotiation period emerged in 1994 between the Armenia forces of Nagorno-Karabakh and an ethnic group in Azerbaijan. These negotiation talks have been maintained to date despite pressure from Azerbaijan to recognize the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh as a republic. Azerbaijan fails to recognize the self-proclaimed country but equally disproves the existence of a peace accord that would foster cooperation between the two countries. Reports from the ââ¬Å"Internal Displacement Monitoring Centreâ⬠quoted the government statistics reports of 2008 indicating that the ethnic related violence caused internally related displacement of people who fled the war-infected regions to settle in peaceful regions of Azerbaijan (Lancer International, 2005, 8). This is a clear indication that despite the peace negotiations to resolve conflicts, people are still refugees since the 1988 chaos. Positive Effects On a positive note, the conflict between the Armenia and Azerbaijan encouraged other countries to participate in promotion and struggle for social unity as well as development. For instance, the heavy dependence of Armenia on Russian government for supplies today means that they need to maintain a strong and close relationship. Armenia also depends greatly on Russiaââ¬â¢s services such as security provisions since collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia therefore participated in strengthening both the Armenia and Azerbaijan in their fight against soviet related forces. Various million-dollar projects were also established to strengthen the economic growth of the two countries s uch as the signing of a mining project between Armenia and Russia, where the Armenia processed precious metals from Russia.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Effects on Relationship with other neighbours Turkey formed an alliance with Azerbaijan on religious grounds and ensured heavy fortification of their eastern region, due to conflicts that related to Turkeyââ¬â¢s national impulse of policymaking. Turkey was in support of Azerbaijan and thus opted to block the trading relations with Armenia particularly the pipeline. The early twentieth century massacres between Armenia and Azerbaijan therefore caused a bitter relationship between Turkey and Armenia particularly for the reason that Turkey did not recognize that these conflict events were campaigns meant to destroy Armenian people as claimed by their government. In 1915, the Armenian nationals were forcefully evicted from the northern side of Turkey towards south in the aim of reducing immigrants and approximated half million lives were lost in the exercise. However, Turkish administration shorn of this fact since it did not consider the act as genocide, but indicated that the eviction was a civil war that began due to Armenian attacks in which both Armenians and Turkish Muslims died. The war between the two countries eventually caused a compromise for Turkey to enter the European Union, were conditions included Turkeyââ¬â¢s recognizing the 1915 war as genocide. The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, a Turkey ally had a connection to the issue of control over the boundary of Nagorno-Karabakh region and caused blocking of the Turkey-Armenia border. A reopening condition was set as a peace negotiation deal between the two countries. The Secretary of U.S. state, Hillary Clinton witnessed the 2009 historical even of signing work protocols between the two countries Turkey and Armenia. The prolong ed negotiation for cooperation between the two countries ended with the establishment of a working, diplomatic relationship and reopening of the compromised border (Soni, 1996, 29). Lack of enough electric power is not that only major problem that the country suffers from due to the conflict with Azerbaijan, but food is also precious. The fact that the country is landlocked means that it depends on neighbouring states for various supplies such as oil, fuel, and for a huge percentage of the food such as wheat and sugar which emerges from other countries.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of regional Azerbaijan-Armenia war on neighbouring countries and foreign policies specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The blockade maintained by its eastern neighbour, Azerbaijan causes the country to depend on other means of transport for instance, trains with food imports from Ukraine and Russia must transverse through its no rthern neighbour, Georgia. This is a country rocked by widespread and long-term political instability such as lawlessness, which causes robbery of the foodstuffs or heavy taxing of the cargo. A political instability relating to geographical differences between Armenia and Azerbaijan is a continuous ruin of the Armeniaââ¬â¢s coordination with other neighbouring countries such as Iran. Iran is an Islamic state, and therefore has a strong connection to the neighbouring Azerbaijan, which is a strong Muslim state as well. The strong relationship between Iran and Azerbaijan caused them to break any form of formal trade with Armenia, although currently there are some formal agreements for trade of natural gas and other scrupulous trades still occur without the consent of the authority. However, this trade remain strained. Unrests created by the poor relations between this countries causes the private as well as international investors to shun away, for instance the stalled multistate-pi peline project that would otherwise benefit majority of this countries as it transverses through them. Civil unrests by Armenia especially against the neighbouring countries such as Turkey and Georgia causes negative impacts on strategies in particular against the two involved states: Armenia and Azerbaijan. Effects on Resources The conflicts affect mostly the resources such as the pipeline, rail transport and the natural sources of energy. Armenia anticipates change but continues to wreak havoc on its neighbouring Azerbaijan state. This causes more use of natural resources and non-renewable sources of its energy. Lake Sevan, a main resource is drained since the water is used for hydroelectric generation and there are therefore some possibilities of the lake draining due to lack of alternative sources such as import supplies. According to Soni (1996, 23), the Armenian government is forced to seek alternative sources as thousands of its citizens continue to perish due to lack of food and because of excessive heat. The options that Armenian government has had to consider to improve its status have been highly objected by other international companies such as U.S. for instance the nuclear power plant. Western governments objected the reopening of the plant on the basis that it was not up to standards and remain as one of the most hazardous resources since it is located in an area that is more prone to earthquake attacks compared to other similar projects in Slovakia, Russia and Bulgaria.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Foreign Policies Azerbaijan financial embargo had major impact on food products and fuel, causing them to become more expensive in Armenia since majority of these products initially originated from Azerbaijan. ââ¬Å"The Turkish government, through its prime minister, ââ¬ËTayyib Erdoganââ¬â¢ soon made it clear that its national assembly would not authorize the signed protocolâ⬠¦ unless the Armenia withdrew from the settled territories near the Nagorno-Karabakh regionâ⬠(Lancer International, 2005, 8). The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan therefore compromised the Armenian economy, since the country is a landlocked country that depends on working protocols with its neighbours. In line with the thoughts provided by World Bank and the U.S. administration (Lancer International, 2005, 8), peace would accelerate the Armenian economic growth since it would reduce the cost of transporting export and import goods in Armenia. Their easier way of trade is through Turkey, but th e conflict forces the Armenian trade to follow longer procedures through either Iran or Georgia at an estimated annual cost of approximately 100 million dollars (Lancer International, 2005, 8). Conflicts between Armenia and Azerbaijan as well as with other neighbouring countries also hinder some common sustenance activities such as conservational and environmental initiatives. Although the country receives aid from world bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), various environmentalists in the country admits that the living situation often compromise their work, considering that it is almost impossible to request starving and freezing people to spare the natural resources. The environmentalistsââ¬â¢ opposition to environmental degradation activities such as the nuclear plant operations is an abandoned fight since the desperation of the situation causes the Armenians to take the risk. Sovereign funding Today there is a great debate concerning the autonomous capital funds develo ped states as sovereign investment. These countries have to consider their investments and thus choose wisely since poor Investments often results towards the financial risks exposure especially due to the recent market crisis. Failure to secure sustainable investment from developed international states often translates to decrease of Armenianââ¬â¢s asset values. According to Soni (1996, 22), investment in violence infected areas require sustenance measures, for a secure, practicable and prospective economical growth. Migration There are some devastating effects of the long and unsettled Armenian-Azerbaijan conflicts, such as the devastating populating density reduction and high migration to western countries especially to United States. The conflict has attracted many immigrants into the stable states in search for better paying jobs. This is a big challenge that Armenian faces today and in future, because major analyses show that economy growth mainly relies on labour forces ma inly delivered by citizens (Soni, 1996, 20). Lack of reliability on such is evidently a huge mistake since it is a breaking entity considering that majority of the citizens face deplorable conditions, little or no human rights and little pay, they thus seek better offers elsewhere. According to Soni (1996, 21), the potential economical growth of the country may also be under threat of degradation due to scarcity of the basics requirements such as water or the environmental degradation. Culture The Muslim states and have a governance system where cultural procedures govern inheritances of political and social norms. Despite these traditional characteristics, the conflict between Armenia and its neighbours particularly the Azerbaijan has led to drastic changes over cultural outlook, styles or the living criterions. Although the system faces some setbacks over improvement, alterations in appearance are quite evident far from the traditional form of governance that existed before the co nflicts emerged. The states have experienced some dreadful transformations that bring minimal efforts of achieving higher standards of living due to unavailability of resources. There is lack of advancement in the Information Communication Technology as well, thus making the countries less marketable or economically viable. Education The widest sense of belonging indicates that countryââ¬â¢s ability to acquire wealth requires good formal education for its citizens. A major effect of conflicts is migration and thus loss of people who have the ability to manage basic state resources or infrastructure and establish some well set-up and rooted healthy living codes. Knowledge enables citizens to establish the living standards for easy adoption to moral, economical, social, ethical and political way of working. Armenia looses a lot of acquaintance to the neighbouring and developed countries through knowledge drain as people evade unavoidable circumstances such as hunger and migrate to these countries. Education determines employment and therefore financial security. When countries are not interactive such as the case of Armenia and Azerbaijan, there is lack of adequate measures necessary for a country to face modernization or economic competition. Are citizens equipped with the requirements to combat current and future needs? Conflicts create a situation where there is little or no demand for education; the results are a status of inactivity or encumbering anti-entrepreneurial situation that are easy to conquer. Those involved are accustomed to endurance on hard work or dependent on handouts. Dignity has been lost and therefore there is lack of real and purposeful jobs compared to real situations in most countries where focus is often on education, work ethics and quality in the aim of achieving high outputs. There is equally lack of global competitiveness thus low productivity among citizens. The current trends of highly uneducated citizens especially youths and women lower efficiency. There are some clear realities regarding the future of Armenia, such as need to diversify the economy and engage the private sector as a way of generating more finances and real jobs. The country lacks vision of ensuring that its citizens acquire the role of guiding the future of the nation. This requires active practice of education to enhance economic growth of the State. Education system also ensures that citizens play the true role of democratic governance. An articulated and well-informed community shows the importance of education with the ability of promoting democratic reforms. Poor governance is a clear indication of existing challenge to ensure preparations that bring success to the global economy. Conclusion The conflict and regional war between Azerbaijan and Armenia may have triggered the emergence of various situations, for instance the June 1995ââ¬â¢s Armenia decision to reopen the nuclear power plant built by Russia. They option is on the reason that the plan is able to cater for approximately 30% of the countryââ¬â¢s electrical energy needs. The country is landlocked conflict with other countries such as Azerbaijan causes energy starvation The continual cold war between the two countries cripples Armenia and leads to poor trade relations with other neighbouring countries. The conflict makes Armenia to over-look the dangers involved in reopening a nuclear plant that caused major devastation especially in Yerevan (Armenian Capital) after the 1988 earthquakes. The argument was that Armenian authority were using the option as a ploy to negotiate for better trade relations with neighbours, since they would equally be venerable in case of a future earthquake attack. It could also be a coax to press for help from the neighbours to assist in negotiating for the trade block created by Azerbaijan. The real situation is that Armenian lacks electric energy and the situation has been that way ever since its self-governance ou t of the Soviet Union. Continual compromise of basic need affects the country economically. Bibliography Lancer International. (2005) Indian defence review, Volume 20. Texas, TX: Lancer International. Soni, P. (1996) Energy and environmental challenges in Central Asia and the Caucasus: windows for co-operation. Michigan, MI: Tata Energy Research Institute Publishers. 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Sunday, November 24, 2019
English 104 Essays (405 words) - Culture, Communication, Linguistics
English 104 Essays (405 words) - Culture, Communication, Linguistics English 104 Journal 4 December 2, 2016 Electronic communication has quickly become the most prominent form of transferring ideas and information between persons within the twenty-first century. Platforms such as emailing and instant messenger are most commonly used to facilitate communication, regardless of the formality of the setting. In this way, social media platforms are utilized among friends, social groups, businesses, and organizations. The relevancy of these platforms is undeniable, as the use of oral features and oral styling is a distinct feature of these communication methods. The exchange of thoughts between persons has both a syntax and characteristics which are standard, regardless of the medium. As discussed in the essay, computer conversations and oral conversations have many similarities. One such feature of communication present in both forms is personal involvement. This is seen in the use of names at the beginning of and throughout messages sent during online communication. The aim of this is to directly address and engage the person with whom they're corresponding. The use of pronouns and rhetorical features is also seen in computer conversations. Similarly, in oral conversations persons may regularly use names, pronouns, and questions to connect with who they're communicating with. The presence of this feature of communication within computer conversation is one indication of its relevancy to personal thought. Additionally, the use of formal and informal grammar are features of orality which are present within social media communication as well as speech. Disfluencies and neologisms aren't restricted to speech. Conversations via the internet can also be found to have contractions, slang, and fragmentation of sentences. Social media sites such as Twitter are well known for the use of informalities such as slang shorthand and contractions to work around the dreaded character limits. This commonality also speaks to social media relevancy as the same distinct speech patterns used to convey thoughts orally are found in social media. In conclusion, as social media applications are the most popular means of communication, their relevance to styling oral features and thought is undeniable. The similarities social media shares with oral speech such as informalities, personal involvement, and the use of the active voice only further reiterate its applicability. The oral stylings found in the formal aspect of communication only serve to enhance it, not detract, and are as such appropriately utilized. Limiting the orality of formal communication can only be detrimental and as such should be avoided at all costs.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
HRM - Essay Example Job analysis enables to document the requirements of job and the work that need to be executed (Levine, Ash, Hall & Sistrunk, 1983). There are numerous methods of job analysis that managers can use for collecting information i.e. interviews, questionnaire survey, observation and focus group among others. Often managers use combination of these methods on the basis of situation of the organization (Franklin, 2005). Job Description Job description is a brief account of job responsibilities and necessities. It provides the purpose of a particular job which suits the companyââ¬â¢s structure. Job description is divided into four major sections which are job summary, job function, job requirement and other information. Job summary represents a brief outline of the job position and the key roles associated with it. Job function is the thorough description about the duties and the responsibilities of a particular job. Job requirements section provides the educational necessities, document ations and other vital experiences essential for applying for a particular job. Furthermore, job description enables to ensure that an organization is well aware of the employee requirements in order to fulfill a vacant position (Mader-Clark, 2008). Job Description ABC Ltd. Job Position: Marketing and Sales Manager Location: United States of America Major Job Responsibilities: Planning and managing marketing operations and handling employees Job Status: Full-time employment Main Objectives: Accomplishing sales target, administering business improvement and supervising employees Duties and Responsibilities Managing online recruitment services exclusively for sales and marketing position Developing marketing plan in collaboration with the sales, production and finance departments Creating budget for marketing activities through forecasting demands and allocating expenditures Managing advertisement and distribution Managing all promotional programs in a timely way Directing subordinate s regarding spending money according to the budget Motivating team members for effective performance Providing training and coaching to the employees Developing marketing strategy and performing in conjunction with other departments Arranging scheduled meetings with other managers Accomplishing appropriate organizational performance through providing required information to the customers, recognizing customersââ¬â¢ trends and resolving any marketing issue Skill and Aptitudes Good communication skill Ability to manage numerous tasks simultaneously through utilizing personal knowledge Ability to maintain good relationship with major stakeholders Ability to ensure that organizational marketing strategies are practiced appropriately Ability to plan, assess and observe performance of subordinates and to ensure that constant improvement is in progress Relationship Internally demonstrate strong collaboration with every worker in the organization Develop trust among staffs and other mana gers and valuing them respectively Maintain professional relationship with the employees and the customers Maintain strong team association and support other departments Experience Requirement Minimum 4 to 6 years sales and marketing experience in the other company Experience in accounting and computer software solution Experience in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Concepts of Time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Concepts of Time - Essay Example One significant issue that the Americans understand through the conception of time is the declaration of independence. In the book, The Sons of the fathers, Albanese looks at the declaration of independence in terms of time and the importance of that achievement at the time it happened and in future time (Albanese 5). Albanese states that the declaration of independence meant a lot to school-going children. She states that the declaration of independence was a form of enlightenment to schoolchildren in 1937. She also states that this event was significant for succeeding generations because they would consider the document as an evidence of a stronger foundation. As such, Albanese looks at the declaration of independence in terms of its meaning to different people in different generations (Albanese 18). In 1937, the declaration of independence meant that Americans could control their materialism. They looked at independence in terms of ability and capacity to control their belonging. However, the current America does not look at the declaration of independence as a means to control their materialism. They look at it in terms of awareness and freedom. The declaration of independence means a way of acquiring rights and controlling politics and governance. Albanese looks at declaration of independence in times of people like Thomas Jefferson, Margaret Willard among other people (Albanese 219). During the declaration of independence, Americans considered it as a sacred document and an entity that was handled by religious leaders as a formed of governance. Albanese states that because the document was sacred, then the time of its declaration was also sacred. There were religious practices that were done during the declaration, which included natural liturgy of religious remembrance. Another important event looked at in terms of time is the ratification of the constitution in 1787. The constitution marked a different age in the United States of America. For example, b efore the constitution was ratified, American people did not have many rights and freedoms defined. The political class used to control many issues that affected citizens. Political leaders did not care about the wellbeing of citizens, as long as they acquired the things and privileges they wanted. However, after the ratification of the constitution, many rights and freedoms were defined formally in the constitution. They allowed American citizens to engage in certain things such as free will to religion, freedom of speech, right to life and freedom of movement among other things. Therefore, time in this sense, meant an aspect of different lifestyles and ways of life in America (More 19). American Revolution is also understood in terms of time. Political leaders who existed in the United States of America in the seventeenth century used history to compare forms of governance, political regimes and the success of different governance systems. They compared political systems and their governance through time and used that history, to develop their own political forms. A notable result of this involves the start of republicanism that occurred in the United States of America in 1775. Republican values in the United States and the importance of a materialistic way of life influenced the American Revolution. All Americans adapted their ways of life including, culture, religion
Monday, November 18, 2019
Emergency Preparedness Disaster Plan for state of California Essay
Emergency Preparedness Disaster Plan for state of California - Essay Example However, with a specific focus on the California State, several incidences of earthquakes as well as other disasters have rocked the region. Following this, a number of organizations have put forward several disaster preparedness initiatives to curb these natural calamities. American Red Cross is one of the non-profit organizations that have ensured meeting a wide range of emergency needs following disasters. This is always done in the most appropriate manner and on timely basis (Irwin, 2013). The organization runs two key initiatives in California State. These initiatives include the Disaster Preparedness Initiative as well as the Local Disaster Response Initiatives. The Disaster Preparedness Initiative provides support as well as assistance to the citizens of California following a myriad of disasters faced. For instance, the initiative offers support and assistance to the public when faced with earthquakes, home fires as well as floods (Irwin, 2013). A good example is the Napa Earthquake that occurred in September the year 2014. The earthquake injured approximately 200 people and destroyed several properties in South Napa. Following this calamity, the Disaster Preparedness Initiative provided health services to the affected individuals. In addition, the initiative provided clothing, relief food, comfort items as well as emotional support to the populations affected. In addition, the initiative plays the significant role of educating the public on several ways of disaster and emergency preparedness (Irwin, 2013). This helps to raise the level of public awareness and participation when faced with such calamities. It is important to be a member of a Disaster Preparedness Team for several reasons. From the nursing perspective, such memberships are important in shaping up oneââ¬â¢s career. This follows that one would be able to gain more knowledge as well as experience in dealing with such
Friday, November 15, 2019
Case Study of Nuclear Disaster | Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
Case Study of Nuclear Disaster | Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant 1. Abstract This assignment purpose is to do analysis case studies and the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The purpose of this work is for students to use the appropriate method to verify each problem. To study a range of industries (EAT221), there are several levels of courses. In order to complete this news report, the instructor provides the learning needs of students. It also describes how to improve the Tokyo electric power company management of nuclear power plants, manufacturing and safety. Students study was to create recommendations on the basis of this report the nuclear disaster. This case study is one way to measure the impact or accidents related to the theme of the students in the classroom effectively. In addition, we recommend that the case study, students will analyze the problem in an appropriate way. Introduction Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant also known as Fukushima Dai-ichi is located on a 3.5-square-kilometre (860-acre) between the towns of Futaba and Okuma of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. The plant consists of six boiling water reactors (BWR). These light water reactors drove electrical generators with a combined power of 4.7 GW, making Fukushima Daiichi one of the 15 largest nuclear power stations in the world. First nuclear power plant was designed, built, and was run in conjunction with General Electric, Boise, and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). March 11, 2011, the 9.0 earthquake and followed by a not expected tsunami to hit at the power plant factory in Japan cause a major damage to the plant. It trigger the evacuation zone of 30 km around the plant which would lead to nuclear radiation leak. The earthquake and tsunami has disabled the cooling system of the nuclear reactor. As of April 2012, Units 1-4 are no longer in operation. In Unit 1 to shut down on April 20, unit 2-4, closed on April 19, 2012 while was the last of these four units. It was the most powerful disaster that have been hit the country so far. It has resulted in a massive tsunami that destroyed many towns and villages, nearly have led to 20 000 people death. 3. Man-Made Disaster From the natural disaster, 9.0 earthquake followed by a tsunami it was truly unfortunately become a man-made disaster when the nuclear reactor melt-function cause many death in the country. The power plant shouldnt have shut down automatically when the earthquake happen because when the plant was build it already have been consider to avoid this accident happen when the natural disaster happen. Japanese parliamentary panel challenged claims by the plants operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), that the triple meltdown at the plant in north-east Japan had been caused solely by a 14-metre tsunami on 11 March last year. The panel said the magnitude-9 earthquake that preceded the waves could not be ruled out as a cause of the accident. It accused Tepco and regulators at the nuclear and industrial safety agency of failing to take adequate safety measures, despite evidence that the area was susceptible to powerful earthquakes and tsunamis. Since 2006, the regulators and Tepco were aware of the risk that a total outage of electricity at the Fukushima Daiichi plant might occur if a tsunami were to reach the level of the site. But it accused Tepco of ignoring warnings going as far back as 2006 that a tsunami could cause a blackout at the plant. (Acton J.M. Hibbs M, March 2012) It is unknown how TEPCO plans to use broken and damaged reactors but they risk damaging the worlds environment to save money and in their greed and stupidity- they could blow us all up. the dangers of nuclear power -it is not cheap and it is highly dangerous especially when you do not study geography very well. The fact that these nuclear plants were wrongly built on a fault line makes it further a danger to the world and not only Japan. In February 2011, Japans regulatory approval to extend the 10 years of continuous operation of the reactor. It is in the northeast in 2011 a major earthquake and tsunami damage. TEPCO bears critical responsibilities to society as a nuclear operator primarily responsible for nuclear power plant safety. Nevertheless, TEPCO was not sufficiently prepared for such an accident, that natural disasters including tsunami may lead to large-scale core damage. Furthermore, TEPCO had not taken adequate preparedness for tsunami risks beyond design basis at the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPS. Industrial process and operation of the Fukushima nuclear plant. The reactors for Units 1, 2, and 6 were supplied by General Electric, those for Units 3 and 5 byToshiba, and Unit 4 by Hitachi. All six reactors were designed by General Electric. Architectural design for General Electrics units was done by Ebasco. All construction was done by Kajima. Since September 2010, Unit 3 has been fueled by a small fraction (6%) of plutonium containing mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel, rather than the low enriched uranium (LEU) used in the other reactors. Units 1-5 were built with Mark type (light bulb torus) containment structures. 460 MW boiling water reactors was constructed in July 1967 name Unit 1(BWR-3). Electric start commercial production on March 26, 1971, it originally had been scheduled to shut down in early 2011. Unit 1 is designed for peak acceleration of 0.18 g (1.74 m/s2) and based on the 1952 Kern County earthquake response spectra of ground motion for 0.498 g Unit 6 Unit design basis, but rated at 0.45 g(4.41 m / S2) and 0.46 g (4.48 m/s2). In 1978, the Miyagi Prefecture earthquake ground acceleration of 0.125 g (1.22 m/s2) for 30 seconds, check each unit, but found no damage to the key part of the reactor. The design basis tsunami is 5.7 m. An important part of the reactors emergency diesel generators and DC batteries, helps to keep the reactor cool in case of power failure, located in the basement of the reactor turbine room. Plan designated by the General Electric Company generators and batteries placed in the position of the reactor design, but the concern of the construction work of the mid-level engineers factory, which makes backup power systems vulnerable to flooding. Tokyo Electric Power Company elected to strictly follow the design of the General Electric Company, the construct ion of the reactors. How nuclear power station produce electricity? Basically, all power stations use the same method to produce electricity. A turbine rotation is the main as generating electricity. The generator is attached to the shaft of the turbine and turbine turns, electricity will produced in by generator. Electricity is transmitted via a transmission line to the station power distribution agency. In a hydroelectric power plant, the turbine is turned by running water. In thermal power plants, steam is produced by heating the water with the coal and oil burning furnace. In the nuclear power plant, steam is generated by the heat with fission process. Cross-section sketch of a typical BWR Mark I containment, as used in Units 1 to 5. The reactor core (1) consists of fuel rods and moderator rods (39) which are moved in and out by the device (31). Around the pressure vessel (8), there is an outer containment (19) which is closed by a concrete plug (2). When fuel rods are moved in or out, the crane (26) will move this plug to the pool for facilities (3). Steam from the dry well (11) can move to the wet well (24) through jet nozzles (14) to condense there (18). In the spent fuel pool (5), the used fuel rods (27) are stored. How to control the nuclear power plant to generate electricity? Control the operation of the nuclear plant involves two things. Namely the power control generation to maintain the secure and stable level, secondly is to shutdown of the reactor very quickly if needed. In MAPS, the power is kept constant by the use of so-called adjusters. These are stainless steel rods. When these rods are introduced into the reactor vessel, the chain reaction and slows down the production of heat is reduced. If the control rods are slightly pulled out of the reactor vessel, and the chain reaction is the power level increases. When the shutdown is completely, the heavy water is discharged from the reactor vessel in a fraction of a second. In the absence of heavy water in the box, the chain reaction ceasestotally. What are the fuel requirements for a nuclear power station? Compared to the burning of coal, the fission process is far more efficient. One gram of fissionable uranium can produce a million times more heat than one gram of coal. At MAPS which produces 400 MW of electricity, only 20 kg of uranium fuel is required per day, i.e. about one truck load of fuel per month from Hyderabad where the fuel is produced. In comparison, a coal burning thermal power station of the same capacity would require about 2000 tonnes of coal daily, i.e. 2-3 train loads of coal to be transported everyday from the coal mines of Singareni over 1000km away. Also the coal has to be continuously fed to the furnace at the rate of 4 tonnes each minute. At MAPS, fresh fuel is charged into the reactor about once daily. 5. Impact of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Society The emotional trauma of the devastating events in Japan is overwhelming. Radioactivity has been detected in nearly every state, whether it be in the air, rain water, food or in milk. The fear that arises from hearing about radioactivity being found nearby can cause increased stress and, sometimes, an overwhelming sense of loss of control. As for foods that may be imported from Japan, there are three safety nets in place so you can feel safe eating what you buy at the grocery store. The first safety net is the ban on importing food from within Japans evacuation zone (within about 20 kilometers of the nuclear reactors), the second safety net is Japans monitoring of other foods prior to leaving Japan, and the third safety net is the United States Department of Agriculture, which monitors and inspects our imported food. Ecology A rabbit born after the nuclear explosion was born with no ears and sending fear throughout the world of the mutations and deformities to come. The world has been exposed to very high amounts from five nuclear reactors in Sendai off of Japans east coast, and still to this day they are contaminating all of Japans farms, cities and lands with radioactive material-very dangerous and toxic to humans and animals. Health According to a study by Stanford University in June 2012, 130 people died from (bound for estimator in the year is 1100 upper and 15 lower) cancer, and 180 radiation emission limit cancer cases (24 radiation exposure to the workers in the factory in. Japan, can lead to the death of up to 2-12 was predicted mainly there is a lower limit 1800) is a possibility. The emission radiation was an order of magnitude lower than that released from Chernobyl, about 80% of the radioactivity from Fukushima has been deposited on the Pacific Ocean. Precautions taken by the Japanese government may have to reduce the health effects of radiation emitting substantially. Radiation causes such as non-mandatory evacuation of about 600 people to death to be caused by such further has been reported. Evacuation procedures after the accident, may have reduced deaths from radiation by example 3-245 potentially, the best estimate is 28, the projected upper limit of the life that was saved from the shelter even i tself evacuation already is lower than the number of deaths caused by. Radiation exposure may cause 1,300 deaths worldwide and 2,500 cases of cancer in Japan. However, there is a bigger issue. The radiation emitted at Fukushima trigger transplant 16,000 people, which, according to the study, also caused mental illness and psychological impact on these people. Stress, fatigue and even being around other sick people are the main contributors to the mental health of many individuals during the evacuation. The study also identifies how these children are more susceptible to radiation because their cells are dividing more rapidly and radiation-damaged RNA may be brought in the younger generation of cells. In addition, DNA damage is also common among people with prolonged exposure to radiation through land, air and food. Actions taken by Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) The roadmap shows the three phases leading up to the end of the decommissioning. Phase 1: In 2 years, begin the process of fuel removal from the spent fuel pools Phase 2: In 10 years, begin removing fuel debris (solidified fuels and claddings that had melted). Phase 3: In 30-40 years, complete fuel debris removal and the processing and disposal of radioactive waste. Improvement TEPCO have to reconsider including the condition of design flaws and the safety systems/measure after the Fukushima nuclear accident analysis and mitigation. TEPCO have to increase the knowledge management, safety culture, and regulatory oversight and the enforcement. Operator/technical people must know technical measurements in operating NPPs based on stress test results and Passive safety systems for nuclear power plant safety enhancement Study the advanced nuclear power plant with the existing design / passive security capabilities to prevent accidents Chernobyl / Fukushima-type Nuclear accident modeling and simulation and prevention action for disaster. Conclusion
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Kevin Rayburs Run :: essays research papers
1968, Six o'clock in the morningThe Olympic village was quiet in its lazy sleep, but Kevin Reybur was already awake, and ready to run. The easy 8-mile morning workout was only a part of the blonde-haired phenomenon's training schedule. Later in the afternoon he would suffer through fifteen miles of pace-work and intervals on the golf cart paths and quiet streets of the peaceful suburbs of Mexico City.Despite his short legs and strong upper body -unusual characteristics for a distance runner- Kevin was really a man born to run. His specialty was the 5000 meter event. By breaking the Southeastern High School Conference record in his junior year, and setting the national record in his senior year, Kevin had the attention of all of the college scouts and was offered full scholarships to many Universities. He chose to attend D.W. Daniel University because they had the best coach in the country; the one man capable of guiding him to the top. Kevin was confident that he would not only beat the best, but also be the best.With no idea of what he would major in, his reality was different from most of his university fellows: he wanted to win, and that is the only thought that consumed his mind and soul. Kevin's performance in collegiate meets got him an invitation to the Olympic Trials, and by winning the trials he earned a spot on the 1968 Olympic team. Just to represent the country in the summer Olympics in Mexico City was never his ambition. He had to win."It's six in the frickin' morning Kevin! Where the hell are you going in this rain?" his roommate Bert cursed." The gold is waiting for me and I can't lose time listening to your complaints, just because it's wet outside. I have to work hard to make up for my lack of pure talent." Kevin replied."Hurghf..." Bert sighed and pushed his head deep into his pillow, as he would do every morning for the two weeks of the 17th modern Olympic Games.Kevin went out in to the bitter morning rain, which quickly soaked through his lucky golden running cap, and covered his head, which was full of thoughts only of the rhythmic pattering of his feet and of the long empty streets ahead. He did not even notice that his toes were wet and blistered. His shoes, well worn from many punishing miles, no longer had the cushioning or fit that he needed.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Beauty of a Flower ââ¬Å"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. ââ¬â Abraham Lincolnâ⬠Most important living organism other than human beings are animals and plants. Flowers and weeds have a huge role in life that they tend to play. Flowers and weeds are completely different in which they grow to reproduce or grow to destroy. Knowingly that weeds also reproduce. Flowers are known to be a brightly colored and conspicuous example of such a part of a plant together with its stalk essay writer service, typically used with others as a decoration or gift.While weeds are not capable of giving to one another as a gift or using them as decorations. Weeds are normally known to be wild plants growing where they are not wanted and are in competition with cultivated plants. Weeds are usually able to grow in disturbed environments in which their soil has already been damaged. Reproduction and growth of a new plant comes when the plant blossoms into the beauty of a flower. Weeds also have reproduction and growth, but are reproduced aggressively. Exploring the different factors of flowers and weeds is to know the attraction to a human, development, and its symbolic factor.Flowers are important than weeds because of how they are attracted to a living eye, the way that they grow, and symbols and significances of flowers. A flowers beauty attracts the eyes, while the scents travel towards human nasal. Being the complete opposite of weeds flowers have a unique scent and to each individual Not only are humans attracted to the beauty of flowers, bees tend to be attracted because of the scent and its pollen that is produced. Flowers attract the bees because of the nectar guides that at times only bees and other insects can notice.But, not all flowers have an appealing scent of pollination that humans desire. Flowers usually pollinate during the night usually by bats and moths because they like the scent and usually white flowers. Bats and moths, but not all humans like the scent of these flowers neither, because they can either carry a pleasant or even resentful scent. Humans are attracted to flowers because of its color and unique form of petals and scents. Usually, flowers are given on special occasions or can be given as a sign of love for one person.Weeds usually do not attract the humans eye because they appear to damage the beauty of the flower. Weeds that grown out of control and are usually unwanted because of the fact they can spread pathogens to infect growth of plants. As flowers are being grown so are weeds in the same way, because once the seed is planted and begins to grow weeds follow the roots of the flower until they are treated. Neglecting the flowers will grow weeds to attack the flower. A weed is a random sort of handle that we put to certain plants that we do not like for any reason.Most weeds do not have a sense to them because it is a pesticide that just grows on top of plant s to destroy the beauty of the flowers blooming. Out of the two plants flowers have the beauty that humans are looking for. Flowers start off from buds to grow into a beautiful flower. Comparing flowers and weeds as they develop have another noticeable difference. To produce a flower, usually seeds are planted within the soil while watered after to blossom. As time goes by and watering of the seeds under the soil, the flowers begin to grow.The first sign of the flower you will see the leaves of the flowers growing as days pass by. Once the majority of the leaves and stems grow the flowers bud begins to blossom into the beauty of the flower it is. Not all flowers bloom within one day, because it takes time for the flower to develop into its beauty. Weeds grow for one reason only, because of the nutrients that are needed for plants. Weeds do not normally grow in large mass they just grow in where the nutrients of their needs are. Weeds usually tend to steal crops moisture, sunlight, a nd nutrients.But, farmers claim that they only borrow the three aspects that are needed and return for future crop usage. Weeds are not given the preservation that has been given to the domestic crops from insects, disease, and other adverse growing conditions, causing weeds, or wild plants, to conserve strength. Weeds hardly become damaged by insects or even any type of diseases. Mostly all flowers have different symbols and significances. Red roses are given in sign of love, beauty, and passion. Poppies are given for commiserations of a death and irises are a symbol of giving a life back during a burial.Daises have been the significance of innocence. Most weeds do not have symbols except for the fact that they are only growing to kill existing beautiful plants. Weeds can symbolize the damage that they have against flowers and its beauty. Weeds also tend to grow in river banks, deltas, and other areas that have soil shifting. There is no significance of weeds because they are usual ly grown with no intentions of being given as a gift or a sign of love to a significant other. Weeds do not have the look of love that is wanted by your loved one.It does not catch the human eye either, because it usually is a messy plant that has no scent to itself either. No matter of who the person is, it all matters if the flower has the right look. There are many different types of flowers and it all depends on that one person to choose which the one that they prefer. Flowers are usually the ones that are often looked at because of its outer beauty. Most of the flowers have a beauty sight on the outside. Looking at weeds, which are hardly looked at unless they are destroying the beauty of a flower and needs removal.Nobody will ever pick weeds over flowers because flowers have a finer quality than weeds. It is better to choose flowers over weeds because of their scent, outer beauty, and symbolic reasoning of that flower. Flowers and weeds differ because flowers give a warm lovin g feeling inside when a woman has received them. Weeds give women a shattered feeling within as she watches her flowers become destroyed. ââ¬Å"What is a weed? I have heard it said that there are sixty definitions. For me, a weed is a plant out of place. â⬠~Donald Culross Peattie
Friday, November 8, 2019
List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds or Infinitives
List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds or Infinitives Verbs that are followed by other verbs can take either the gerund or the infinitive. A gerund is a verb ending in ing that functions as a noun. An infinitive is the basic or root form of a verb, typically preceded with to. Understanding how these words function is a crucial step in developing your English skills. The following lists of verbs followed by other verbs will help you practice using gerunds and infinitives within simple sentences.à Note how the gerund and infinitive verbs (italicized) are used within the sample sentences. Verbs Followed by the Gerund Verb Definition Example Sentence abhor to hate John abhors working outdoors. acknowledge to recognize what someone has done She acknowledges his working hard on the project. admit to say that you have done Peter admitswasting time and money. advise to give advice I advise saving a little money every month. allow to permit She allows using smartphones in class. anticipate to expect I anticipate visiting New York next month. appreciate to be grateful for Jack appreciates your helping him out with the project. avoid to try not to do She avoids dating men over 30. be worth to be a good idea to spend the time on Itââ¬â¢s worth spending some time on the grammar. canââ¬â¢t help to be able to not do Tom canââ¬â¢t help complaining about the heat. celebrate to party about Weââ¬â¢ll celebrate working together for over 50 years. confess to admit that you did Alice confessed stealing the money from her sister. consider to think about Weââ¬â¢re considering buying a new house. defend to give reasons why you did They defend purchasing the new car because they have two jobs. delay to postpone, put off Weââ¬â¢re going to delay meeting until next week. detest to hate, despise Jack detests learning new vocabulary. discontinue to stop doing, providing The store discontinued providing customer service on demand. discuss to talk about We like to discuss learning techniques. dislike to not like Bob dislikes having to work so hard. dispute to say you didnââ¬â¢t do They dispute stealing the merchandise. dread to fear doing or experiencing I dread taking tests. endure to go through We endured listening to him for three hours. enjoy to have a good time doing Sarah enjoys cooking fine dinners. escape to get away from The students escaped taking the test because the fire alarm rang. evade to avoid He evades doing yard work on Saturdays. explain to give details about Heââ¬â¢ll explain purchasing online next week. fancy to like very much They fancy eating donuts. fear to be afraid of I fear flying in airplanes. feign to pretend to do Mary feigns not knowing anything. finish to stop doing We finished shopping and went home. forgive to not be angry at someone anymore They forgave stealing the candy as the children didnââ¬â¢t know it was wrong. keep to continue doing We keep studying the same grammar every week. mention to say in passing They mentioned buying a new car last week. mind to object to I donââ¬â¢t mind smoking. miss to want something you donââ¬â¢t have I miss having more free time. necessitate to require to do The job necessitates lifting heavy objects. omit to leave out, delete We omitted discussing the new Smith account during the meeting. permit to allow Weââ¬â¢ll permit fishing on Saturdays. picture to imagine Doug pictures retiring to Brazil. postpone to put off, delay We postponed traveling to Chicago for a week. practice to do over and over again Practice playing scales for 30 minutes every day. recall to remember Yes, I recall buying that book. recollect to remember Tom recollects playing baseball as a child. recommend to tell someone they should do something They recommend purchasing insurance with this product. report to tell about Tim reported spending twelve hours on the job. resent to not like that something that someone does Susan resents having to work so hard. resist to try to avoid doing Many students resist studying more than two hours a day. resume to start doing again We resumed speaking about the problem at the meeting. risk to take a chance on Jack risks making everyone angry with his stupid statements. shirk to not do something you should do Dan shirked paying for the childrenââ¬â¢s meal. shun to avoid contact with Donââ¬â¢t shun spending time with those you donââ¬â¢t know very well. suggest to say someone should do something I suggest buying a new camera. support to help someone with words, thoughts or money They supported our going to the doctor for help. understand to comprehend He understands investing in the stock market. urge to suggest strongly I urge spending some time learning the program. warrant to provide the reasons for doing The situation warrants investigating Mr. Todd. Verbs Followed by the Infinitive Verb Definition Example Sentence agree to say you will do Tom agreed to help me with the work. appear to seem to be She appeared to wait for a moment. arrange to put in some order I arranged to meet David next week. ask to inquire They asked to join us for dinner. attempt to try Doug attempted to say something. beg to urgently ask for The man begged to receive some help. can/canââ¬â¢t afford to permit I canââ¬â¢t afford to spend time doing this. can/canââ¬â¢t wait to allow time for Susan canââ¬â¢t wait to see Tom next week. care to have feelings for She cares to comment about the situation. chance to try I chanced to give it a taste and it was good. choose to make a choice Chris chose to not visit his friends last weekend. claim to say is true Dick claims to see UFOs! come to arrive at They came to purchase a new car. consent to agree to Martha consented to instruct the children. dare to risk doing We dared to take some time off work. decide to make a decision He decided to go to university in San Francisco. demand to insist I demand to receive help now! deserve to merit Peter deserves to have his time off this week. determine to come to the conclusion We determined to finish the project by the end of next year. elect to choose Alice elected to not come with us to the presentation. endeavor to try The company endeavors to provide the best possible service. expect to feel something should happen She expects to arrive in 30 minutes. fail to not succeed Unfortunately, they failed to get enough votes for the measure. get to receive We got to see our friends last week. guarantee to say will happen They guarantee to finish the work before 5 oââ¬â¢clock. hesitate to not be sure about She hesitated to say yes, but in the end, did. hope to want to happen I hope to see you soon. hurry to go to quickly Mack is hurrying to finish the report by 3 this afternoon. incline to tend towards He is inclined to not come to parties. learn to study and memorize The children learned to do many things at camp this summer. manage to do with difficulty Don managed to finish the job on time. mean to intend Dan means to speak with you this evening. need to have to have/do We need to think about this some more. neglect to not do something you should do The man neglected to give me all the information. offer to say you will do, give, provide We offered to help them with their homework. pay to spend money on We paid to become informed about the matter. plan to think about the future I plan to visit Chicago someday. prepare to get ready for They are preparing to leave on vacation. pretend to act as if The boy pretended to be a ghost. profess to believe Lori professes to believe in UFOs. promise to say you will do I promise to come over tonight for dinner. refuse to say you will not do Jane refused to do what he asked. remain to stay I remained to finish the work until 8 oââ¬â¢clock. request to ask for The man requested to speak to a lawyer. resolve to decide to do We resolved to clean up the house this summer. say to tell someone He said to tell you hi! seek to look for They are seeking to receive $1,000,000 in damages. seem to appear It seems to be very easy. shudder to physically react to something you do not like I shudder to think about all the problems in the world. strive to try hard to do Frank strove to meet all the demands of his boss. struggle to work hard to do The students struggle to understand all the grammar. swear to promise to do I swear to be a good boy in the future. tend to usually do Dianne tends to waste time on the telephone. threaten to say you will do a bad thing to someone The boss threatened to fire everyone. volunteer to say you will help They volunteered to help with the cooking. wait to let time pass We waited to see the doctor for three hours. want to desire I want to help you. wish to want to do She wishes to visit her parents in Ireland. would like to want Iââ¬â¢d like to have a steak, please. yearn to desire very strongly I yearn to finish work today! Additional Resources Want additional practice or a chance to show off your new skills? Test your knowledge of gerunds and infinitives with this reference chart.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Information Processing
Information Processing Information Processing is the sciences concerned with gathering and manipulating and storing and retrieving and classifying recorded information. According to Shannon and Weaver, information is the reduction in uncertainty (1948). This according to me is a very outdated definition of information, and is more applicable to time in which it was written. In the 1940's sciences were no that advanced as today and people did not have enough information on various phenomenon. However, now due to technological and scientific advancements people have enough information on various phenomena and any additional information can lead confusion and uncertainty. Just a couple of days ago my Statics T.A., Erik taught the class how to do a problem on lateral displacement in a particular way. Being a slow learner that I am I did not understand the problem at the first time, so I went to his office hours to take some additional help in understanding the same problem.Is that Howard PSAT 04.15.2007He expl ained the problem to me again and I got it that time, but then he told me that there was and easier way to solve that problem and then he explained to me the second way of doing the problem, the second method was indeed a lot simpler and I got it really fast. Then two days later when I had the Statics exam and I had to solve the same problem on the exam, I approached the problem confidently and tried it by the first method that he had taught me and I could not do it. Then I tried the same problem with the second method and I still could not do it, I had remembered parts of both kind of methods but I really did not know any one method completely. So ultimately I had to leave the problem and move...
Monday, November 4, 2019
INDIGENOUS IMMIGRANTS and INDIGENOUS RIGHTS - Research Paper Example The arrival of Italians in what is now referred to as Bolivia for instance changed the Bolivia political topography, with foreigners governing the land (Postero, 2007). That was until 2001 when Bolivia elected a president from one of the indigenous groups. This long reign by people who were not originally from these areas has caused tension among the indigenous people who felt hat not only are their rights not respected and given a place in the modern governments run by the foreigners, but also that they have been sidelined. Looking closely at the social-political issues in Latin amerce indicates that economic issues have contributed very much to these issues. The hype to push for the recognition of indigenous culture can be seen as fuelled by the economic depravation of most of these people. Most people who are of the indigenous origin in the Latin America are actually the most economically deprived as well as politically unrepresented. This has left a space for these people to feel that the new order of things is not part of then and that it is not in any way serving their interests. As a result, it has led to politicians of indigenous origins, with many politicians who are of indigenous cultural background using this hype as a way to hike up their popularity and get the votes from the indigenous people. This has been seen for example in Bolivia where the current president, the first indigenous since the arrival of the Italians five hundred years ago, used this hype for indigenous culture as a way to get the vote. He did not only use this to get the vote, but has also used this as a way to try to unite the indigenous groups after his election and also as a way to help in making sure that there is restoration of hope. However, this hype for indigenous culture has been criticised by many academics, describing it as a way for these indigenous politicians to get political edge. Part II: Discussion There is adequate literature on the issue of indigenous culture an d the definition of indigenous people in Latin America. In the recent times, it can be seen that scholars are finally having differing views in the politics of indigenous culture in many parts of the Latin America. As Hale (2004) says, in the past, the approach by many scholars has associated this push for traditional culture as a way for politicians to achieve their selfish interests by appealing to the indigenous people. But as Hale (2004)says, a closer look and a more critical look at these issues has indicated that this attitude by indigenous leaders is not only about them getting power, but that it is a deep seated need for most of these people to be able to connect with their past. However, in light of the fact that the so called foreigners have been in the region for over half a millennium, and also in the consideration of the fact that even the indigenous people have migrated within the Latin American from region to region, it becomes very hard to determine who is a foreigne r and who is indigenous (Stephen, 2007). For instance, people from the main Mexico regions are known to have migrated towards the Baja California region in search of better economic conditions. Although these people are indigenous Latin American, they are not indigenous to the Baja California region. In such a case, if issues of indigenous cul
Friday, November 1, 2019
AFA 201 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
AFA 201 - Essay Example Even worse, some philosophers and historians argue that not all regions and people have a history to consider. In this regard, African history has been deemed to be relatively new especially after obscure remarks were made by some philosophers. From the onset of the nineteenth century, a German philosopher gave a seminar in which he declared that Africa is not a historical part of the world. He emphasized that it had no development or movement to exhibit to the rest of the world. A hundred years later, a Harvard professor Hugh Trevor-Roper shared Hegelââ¬â¢s sentiments and declared that the only history that Africa can share is Europeans in Africa. He further stated that the rest is largely darkness and that darkness is not a history subject. Such sentiments indicate a racist worldview and high ignorance of African achievements. However, besides racism, statements refuting that Africa holds a history are founded on crucial conception of historical sources that are valid. It was believed that development towards progress and changes in societies was to be written at the particular time of occurrence. This insistence on written materials depicted Africaââ¬â¢s past invisible to some historians and to the wider public. Most of the African societies had not developed writing systems prior to the nineteenth ant twentieth century (Taiwo 118). This reveals that there was a paucity of documented records that could be used by historians in the study of Africaââ¬â¢s history. The few documented details stemmed from observers from outside such as European travelers and merchants. Due to this inconsistency, it was widely held that there was no history in Africa. It was however discovered much later that indeed Africa had a rich past confined to Africaââ¬â¢s colonial history. After all, the missionaries, businessmen, and European colonial administrators kept detailed accounts of observations and activities on the continent of Africa (Oladale 319).
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